Mollena Lee Williams-Haas

Mollena Lee Williams-Haas is the Kink Doula. Kink Doula is the culmination of over 25 years of life lived exploring the Leather, Kink and BDSM lifestyles…as well as the integration of over 53 years of life lived to the fullest. Mollena fervently believe that so much of what we do in BDSM, Kink and Leather is of benefit to everyone! As the Kink Doula, her mission and calling is to share as much as she possibly can, and in doing so, facilitate for others the rebirth and growth that she has herself experienced through Kink.

Exploring kink since 1993, active in BDSM and the Leather Community since 1996, Mollena has presenting classes since 1998, and speaking at Leather, BDSM and Kink events across the US, Europe and Canada on many Leather and BDSM focused topics. Mollena has offered teachings on Kink, BDSM and Leather to such august institutions of higher learning as SF State and Cal State, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stamford, University of Chicago, and Brown.

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